The sad life of Grover Norquist & The Harvard’s

Mary Lee Johnson
4 min readApr 24, 2022


All I can say, with hushed whispers, is that it is very sad about poor Grover Norquist. He was such a lion of the party at one time. He championed the isolation of George Herbert Walker Bush when Bush’s doomed “Read My Lips-No New Taxes!” refrain became Grover’s shining moment. President Bush was defeated after being vilified by party loyalists like Grover. And from the last known writings that are documented from Mr. Norquist, he was still singing the same song: No new taxes and Let’s not be hard on those poor, rich people” was his mantra in 2020. He was prescient as ever in writing of the tax hikes that were coming.

And since they were not enacted, we can only credit his vastly superior knowledge of all things in general. It must have been much the same for the other group of “Harvards.” Students of history may remember that VP Lyndon Johnson would deride the Kennedys in private by calling them “The Harvards.”. This new set of Harvard’s include Ted Cruz, with his subtle resource library full of literary insights from Dr Seuss. They are highlighted by his searing analysis of children’s literature that was on full display with his iconic and searing question to a Supreme Court Nominee: “Are Babies Racist? JoshGive me Liberty or Give me Death Hawley, another Harvard great, will have a statue crafted in his likeness with raised fist as he bravely watched from the sidelines as the Capitol was ransacked, looted, and defecated upon.

Grover is one of the Harvard’s too. Yet I fear his silence must be heart wrenching for other party loyalists, due to either ill health or his being forced to stay silent while his beloved party of Oligarchs is in disarray. I am forced to this conclusion as we see The One-Percent-Genuine-Elites crowd is determined to talk about doing the thing that is not talked about: Raising Taxes! Of course, the taxes on the wealthy are not part of the equation. These taxes will be for average Floridians who own a home or pay any type of tax. Or for a middle-class family anywhere in the USA who can’t wait to show their patriotic fervor for Rick Scott by paying more income tax!

Perhaps the tax bug is only found in Floridian GOP water? It is something that is not talked about openly in polite GOP circles. But it must be a sad state of affairs that poor Grover, the architect of the No Tax Pledge that all Repubs were supposed to sign in days of yore, is being shut out by his party. One of the last known sightings had Grover gushing over the performance of Mr Trump, the former President, and his stellar Reagan-esque lowering of taxes for the rich. It was in a Forbes Interview where Grover predicted that

* Biden would enact a VAT tax/an Energy tax AND a new higher payroll tax

* The Wall would be built

*GOP had “Respect for property rights”

*Trump’s Growth ‘silenced the concerns that drive protectionism & tariffs’

*Trump judges would ‘strengthen & repair America’s commitment to the Rule of Law

*Stupid European ideas of wind & Solar were off the table for America!

*Trump knows that war ‘is the enemy of Liberty’

He also misstated what Barack Obama said to small businessman: “You did not build that” referring to their businesses. In fact, Obama was talking of the roads and highways that are part of the infrastructure planning that was never part of a Trump Agenda. Grover also emphasized the demonization of the wealthy as being a way to ‘trick’ voters and taxpayers into thinking they were NOT the target of higher taxes.

He blamed the Great Society for throwing away money on trying to lift people out of poverty. Well paid government workers who he derided as ‘providing services’ to the poor were the real culprits. The income inequality is all caused by this huge Great Society spending, which should never have been enacted, according to Grover.

And though there is high inflation (for those who are cheered by the thought of how much a tanking US Economy will help the GOP Oligarchs stay in power), it cannot be enough for the deeply felt convictions that Grover has. The disgusting middle class is somehow getting away with murder, while the poor Oligarchs of the world are being chased from golf course to golf course, with their yachts threatened with confiscation and Elizabeth Warren making those damning floor speeches. No wonder Steve Bannon looks so disheveled, and Rudy Giuliani has hair dye dripping from his brow! It’s not fair….The Harvard Joy Boys of the GOP should not have to worry so much about retaining their hold on power! If only Grover could be here, he would know exactly what to do.

Perhaps he might suggest another loyalty pledge? This time, to the Trump-ist way of life? That might be what is needed for this era. Who knows? Grover was famous for also saying that all the GOP needed was someone in a suit who could hold a pen to sign the bills. I do believe his wish came true in the form of Donald J Trump. Three cheers for the mediocrity of Grover Norquist and the low expectations of the GOP! Perhaps it will save the day. In the meantime, there are those pesky Florida Men with their new taxes…Where, oh where are you when we need you, Grover Norquist?



Mary Lee Johnson
Mary Lee Johnson

Written by Mary Lee Johnson

Author of five books, & blogger at 6 Degrees Writer…

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