The Pendulum Swings Both Ways

Mary Lee Johnson
5 min readJul 6, 2023


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Believe it or not, I have actually been feeling hopeful about the latest turn of events surrounding the Supreme Court decisions. I know that sounds counter-intuitive, and yet, there are signs everywhere that the pendulum will swing towards justice.

One thing I realize now is that there is a surplus of old, embittered and hate-filled men laden down with grudges, insecurities and inferiority complexes. And most people have recognized their inadequacies for what they are. They shine a spotlight on a generation of insecure and weak-minded politicians and wannabe’s.

We will soon be able to change the narrative of our country. Because men such as Trump & Clarence Thomas are showing themselves as dated Dinosaurs who are on their way out! But they are clinging to their bitterness and their hatred as would any desperate leech that might cling to the hull of a sinking ship.

And no matter how hard they cling to their old beliefs, the end result will be the same. They will eventually lose and die out.

And of course. we know there will be tiresome challenges from power-mad, delusional individuals who are desperate to take their place. Ron DeSantis immediately pops into mind. But they too will find their dreams of power dashed. Their delusional and deranged power trips will be destroyed when they clash with reality. So that gives me hope that there will be a better tomorrow.

I look at twisted angry men such as Clarence Thomas. Thomas is at the end of his line. He has fulfilled some of his dark dreams to take things away from those he does not like. And he lives in his own bubble of twisted reality.

One of the things that I take issue with most in Thomas’s screed of bitterness, is the cynical reliance on the bubble of Dark Money that surrounds him. For decades he has been trampling on the vintage of his own ignorant perception of the ‘unwashed masses’ that are beneath him.

He obviously has contempt for the rest of society when he can talk (and lie) glibly in a ‘mock-umentary’ that friend Harlan Crow set up to obfuscate the reality of their existence. With his billions, Harlan worked to show how Thomas is just one of the common men. Clarence Thomas was portrayed as the salt-of-the-Earth type working-class man that simply loves “Walmart Parking Lots.” Meanwhile, Thomas has been secluded on super yachts for the past twenty years. This cloistered existence represents a hypocritical and cynical display of hubris. But the twisted reality was revealed when they were caught by investigative journalists in a lie. Yet they continue to believe that you can just keep lying to the public and never get caught.

Trump is at the end of his power trip too. He just feels if he can put a firehose of lies out there, people will feel that the truth doesn’t matter. Or his “Projection and Confession” stupidity act will become so reliably incredible, that he will never be able to be pinned down or held to account. Yet the courts don’t seem to work that way. We shall see.

DeSantis is a wannabe who is desperately throwing things at the wall of his Florida power trip. He will eventually hit that wall. I see that he recently signed a law to end “permanent Alimony” As if that was a ‘thing’.. Was anyone clamoring for that!? I also saw his support from women voters has plummeted. That is no surprise! I am wondering if he is going to arrange to place badges on women who are of child-bearing age to wear during their menstrual cycles?! I think he is just about to hit that wall here in Florida. I am still shaking my head at the new law he signed into effect that plans to use cancer-causing materials to build new roads in Florida?!…I would love to know who is lobbying for that law!?

These are desperate and sad men who are on insane power trips. And yet, I am hopeful! Because the arc of justice has a long arm and it is now beginning to swing in a new direction. I believe that if the Democrats can just manage to craft a message of hope and change, they will know that Obama was right! They will be able to win and overcome their obstacles. They must start with the constant barrage of negativity around issues such as Biden’s age.

The notion that Trump & DeSantis will be able to continue this battering ram of insane extremist rhetoric and continue to gain support is just not rational. And as their laws and actions are being shown to cause real harm, it is even less logical to see their support grow!

And there is some evidence that cannot be denied. There is a straight through-line that can be shown from the Election of Trump in 2016 straight into the present day. During that time period, one may contrast the present-day laws being enacted and directly correlate the cause to surround the Election of Donald Trump.

The argument can also be made for the folly of not electing Hillary along with her vision for the future. She predicted that Trump would stack the Supreme Court, and with McConnell’s & Leonard Leo’s Dark Money help, he did just that. And so it goes that the arc is long but there is a pendulum swinging. I cannot see where we are headed, but I do know that you cannot be a confident Democratic or Independent politician these days without relying on hope and change.

Kennedy used the metaphor of Camelot.Don’t let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for happy-ever-aftering as here in Camelot! Reagan had the ‘shining city on a hill’ metaphor. Obama used “Hope & Change.’ And now we can see the Pendulum swinging back to right the wrongs of the present day. It is a slow-moving arc when we seek justice and truth. But there are so many good people, it may be argued that even the most oppressed individuals among us can hope. One such individual wrote this: “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” Even Anne Frank had hope for a better tomorrow.

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Mary Lee Johnson
Mary Lee Johnson

Written by Mary Lee Johnson

Author of five books, & blogger at 6 Degrees Writer…

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